FOOD PROCESSING: meat production and preservation

The meat production, processing, and preservation industry play a crucial role in the global food supply chain. Laboratories and factories involved in meat processing operate under strict environmental conditions. Low temperatures and controlled humidity are necessary to ensure the preservation and safety of meat, but these conditions can also encourage the growth of undesirable microorganisms. The prevention of microbial contamination is a key priority to ensure the quality and safety of meat products.
 UVC (ultraviolet C) technology is emerging as a significant tool in achieving these goals. In this article, we will explore the importance of UVC technology and its various applications in the meat industry.

UVC technology has proven and tested efficacy to disinfect and eliminate microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, molds, and fungi. Its importance in the meat industry lies in its ability to:
Enhance Food Safety: UVC technology helps reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses by effectively killing harmful pathogens such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria on meat surfaces.
Extend Shelf Life: By eliminating spoilage-causing microorganisms and molds, UVC technology can extend the shelf life of meat products, reducing food waste and production costs.
Physical disinfection: The use of ultraviolet rays as a purely preventive and exclusively physical method, thus without adding chemicals (preservatives) to meat products.
Improve Product Quality: UVC treatment preserves the freshness and quality of meat by preventing bacterial growth and maintaining the desired color and texture.
Ensure Compliance with Regulations: UVC technology aids meat producers in meeting stringent food safety and hygiene regulations, enhancing their reputation and customer trust.

Surface Disinfection: UVC lamps and systems are used to disinfect the surfaces of equipment, tools, and workspaces in meat processing facilities. This reduces the risk of cross-contamination during meat handling and processing.
Air Sterilization: UVC air purification systems are installed in meat processing areas and cold storage rooms to continuously sterilize the air. This helps prevent the spread of airborne pathogens and molds that can contaminate meat products.
Water Treatment: UVC technology can be employed to disinfect water used in meat processing, ensuring that waterborne contaminants do not compromise product safety.
Packaging and Storage: UVC systems are used to disinfect packaging materials and storage areas, reducing the risk of microbial growth during transportation and storage.
Cold Storage Rooms: The proper use of UV light for decontaminating air in cold storage and during its processing allows for optimal conditions from a bacteriological, humidity and temperature point of view. The result is a significant decrease in losses and returns. 
Quality Control: UVC technology can be integrated into quality control processes to assess the microbiological safety and quality of meat products.
Preservation of Freshness: UVC is applied to the surfaces of packaged meat products to extend their freshness and prevent the growth of spoilage microorganisms.
Decontamination of Processing Equipment: Meat processing machinery and equipment can be sanitized using UVC systems to ensure they are free from harmful pathogens.

Investment in UVC systems can bring significant economic benefits in the long term. By reducing the risk of contamination and increasing the shelf life of products, significant savings can be made and the company's reputation can be enhanced through the production of high quality meat that is safe for the consumer.

While UVC technology offers numerous benefits, safety precautions are essential to protect workers from potential exposure to UVC radiation. Protective measures include the use of shields, timed shut-off systems, and the installation of UVC fixtures in areas where personnel are not present during operation.
Furthermore, it is important to accurately calculate the UV dose required to achieve the desired microbial abatement. Relying on competent companies with products tested by independent laboratories for their effectiveness is therefore of paramount importance.

UVC technology is becoming increasingly significant in the meat production, processing, and preservation industry due to its ability to enhance food safety, extend shelf life, improve product quality, and ensure compliance with regulations. By implementing UVC solutions tailored to their specific needs, meat producers can contribute to safer, higher-quality meat products for consumers while reducing operational costs and food waste.

We have been providing UVC disinfection systems for industrial production lines for over 35 years.
Contact one of our product specialists for an installation proposal and quote.

An overview of the UVC solutions we offer for the food processing industry is available here:

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Ultraviolette Strahlen sind elektromagnetische Wellen, die Teil des Lichts sind. Elektromagnetische Wellen werden in drei Hauptwellenlängenbereiche unterteilt, die in Nanometern (nm) angegeben werden: Ultraviolette Strahlen (UV) 100-400 nm Sichtbare Strahlen (Licht) 400-700 nm Infrarotstrahlen (IR) 700-800.000 nm UV-Strahlen werden wiederum in drei Banden unterteilt:

  • UV-A (315-400 nm) mit bräunenden Eigenschaften;
  • UV-B (280-315 nm) con proprietà terapeutiche e di sintesi della vitamina "D";
  • UV-C (100-280 nm) mit keimtötenden Eigenschaften.

UV-C (100-280 nm) hat eine starke keimtötende Wirkung und ist bei einer Wellenlänge von 265 nm am wirksamsten. Die keimtötende Wirkung der UV-C-Strahlung erstreckt sich auch auf Bakterien, Viren, Sporen, Pilze, Schimmelpilze und Milben; sie ist hauptsächlich auf die zerstörerische Wirkung der UV-C-Strahlung auf ihre DNA zurückzuführen; die UV-C-Strahlen schädigen nämlich ihren Fortpflanzungsapparat und verhindern ihre Vermehrung.

Bakterien, Viren, Sporen, Pilze, Schimmelpilze und Milben sind alle empfindlich gegenüber UV-C und können daher durch UV-C beseitigt werden. Mikroben können keine Resistenz gegen UV-C-Strahlung erwerben, wie es bei der Verwendung von chemischen Desinfektionsmitteln und Antibiotika der Fall ist. UV-Strahlung ist umweltfreundlich. Eine Umweltverschmutzung ist bei der Verwendung normaler Desinfektionsmittel unvermeidlich. Außerdem besteht die Gefahr, dass durch das direkte Einatmen der Dämpfe oder das Verschlucken von Lebensmitteln, die durch den Kontakt mit den chemischen Desinfektionsmitteln verunreinigt wurden, schwerwiegende Schäden entstehen können. In den Bereichen, in denen auf chemische Desinfektionsmittel nicht verzichtet werden kann (Lebensmittelindustrie, Pharmazeutik, Gesundheitswesen usw.), ermöglicht der Einsatz ultravioletter Strahlen bei der Desinfektion eine Verringerung der Desinfektionsmittelmenge mit erheblichen Kosteneinsparungen und größerer Rücksicht auf die Umwelt, wobei der Desinfektionsgrad beibehalten und fast immer verbessert wird. UV-C-Geräte können in Räumen und Maschinen installiert werden und so programmiert werden, dass sie Tag und Nacht den gleichen Desinfektionsgrad aufrechterhalten und somit ideale hygienische Bedingungen ohne Schwankungen gewährleisten. Im Gegensatz dazu entfalten chemische Desinfektionsmittel ihre volle Wirkung erst bei ihrer Anwendung. Bei der Verwendung von mit LIGHT PROGRESS ausgestatteten Geräten sind die Betriebskosten gering; man kann sagen, dass ein 'LIGHT PROGRESS' UV-C-System außer dem normalen Lampenwechsel keine Wartung erfordert. Das Preis-/Leistungs-Verhältnis ist hervorragend, die Geräte sind leistungsstark und haben eine lange Lebensdauer. Deshalb ist die Keimabtötung durch UV-C im Vergleich zu anderen Systemen (oder im Zusammenspiel mit diesen) kostengünstig und hochwirksam.

I raggi UV-C funzionano davvero, se applicati correttamente e con le dovute precauzioni. La differenza fra un progetto di qualità e una applicazione senza risultati è data dalla profonda conoscenza dell'argomento e dall'esperienza acquisita nel tempo. Dal 1987 Light Progress realizza progetti di successo in tutto il mondo e ha acquisito una clientela costituita da Società importanti in tutti i settori che necessitano di condizioni igieniche verificate per generare prodotti e servizi di qualità.