FOOD PROCESSING: UV-C Disinfection Solution for Albanian Meat Factories


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Client Background:
EHW and FIX, two prominent meat processing companies in Albania, faced significant challenges in maintaining product quality and safety due to mold contamination, particularly in their sausage products within their facilities located in Tirana, Durres, Porche and Paquin.
Client's Challenge:
The main challenge for the client was to manage mold formation on their meat products, posing a significant threat to product quality and safety. The client explored various solutions, including Hepa and Mesh filters, to address this issue but found them insufficient.

Solution Provided:
To address these challenges, UVL Albania, in collaboration with Light Progress, introduced advanced UV-C disinfection technology tailored for the meat processing industry. The proposed solution involved the installation of UV-C devices from the UV-FLOW-WL and UV-REFLEX series, designed to eliminate mold spores and other pathogens effectively. A trial period of 2-3 weeks was conducted, during which the UV-C devices were installed and tested within the clients' facilities. Both EHW and FIX, equipped with their microbiological laboratories, rigorously assessed the effectiveness of the devices during this period.

Implementation Process:
During the implementation phase, UVL Albania seamlessly installed the UV-C devices in the clients's facilities. The successful installation was attributed to the expertise of UVL Albania's technicians and electricians, coupled with the clear and comprehensive instructions provided in the device manuals. The devices were seamlessly integrated into the environments of both meat factories. Have been installed products from UV-FLOW-WL series and UV-REFLEX series.

Results and benefits:
Once successfully installed, the UV-C disinfection devices achieved significant results for the customer:

  • Improved Product Safety:Our devices consistently controlled the microbial load throughout the production and storage, ensuring the delivery of safer, high-quality meat products—particularly sausages.
  • Shelf-Life Extension: in addition to improving microbial control, they significantly extend the shelf life by reducing surface contamination and maintaining a cleaner aging environment.
  • Vantaggio competitivo: l'implementazione della tecnologia di disinfezione UV-C ha aggiunto valore alle aziende dei clienti. Ora potevano commercializzare i loro prodotti come preparati in un ambiente igienico e sicuro, migliorando così la reputazione del loro marchio.
Our Expertise:

With decades of experience in UV-C technology, Light Progress has honed a deep understanding of the unique needs of the meat processing industry.
Our team works closely with clients to implement tailored solutions that enhance both operational efficiency and product quality.
From device selection to installation and testing, we provide comprehensive support to ensure seamless integration into any facility.
Our solutions go beyond addressing microbial control challenges.
We introduce significant operational advantages, such as reducing the need for frequent equipment maintenance or the washing and brushing of finished meat products, saving time and resources while maintaining high hygiene standards.
Implementing our UV-C systems for hygienic air treatment is a straightforward process, yet highly customizable to meet the specific requirements of each facility.
We begin by analyzing the type of spaceprocessing areascold storage, or dry-aging roomsperforming risk assessments and evaluating environmental conditions.
Understanding airflow patterns, including inlets, outlets, and evaporators (whether single-flow or dual-flow), is critical to optimizing system placement and ensuring maximum decontamination efficiency without disrupting airflow or product storage.
Facility size is another key consideration. Using advanced calculation software, we scale our UV-C solutions to cover areas of varying sizes and volumes. Larger spaces require either a greater number of devices or more powers, ensuring comprehensive coverage and effective microbial control.
This adaptable, easy-to-install approach underscores Light Progress’s commitment to delivering seamless, innovative, and reliable solutions that uphold the highest hygiene standards while enhancing meat preservation and quality.

Our mission is to elevate industry standards and provide the tools meat processors need to operate efficiently and safely.

The collaboration between Light Progress and UVL Albania resulted in the successful implementation of UV-C disinfection devices in the meat factories. This case study highlights the seamless integration of advanced technology to address a critical challenge, ultimately ensuring product quality, employee safety, and market competitiveness for the client's business.

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Ultraviolette Strahlen sind elektromagnetische Wellen, die Teil des Lichts sind. Elektromagnetische Wellen werden in drei Hauptwellenlängenbereiche unterteilt, die in Nanometern (nm) angegeben werden: Ultraviolette Strahlen (UV) 100-400 nm Sichtbare Strahlen (Licht) 400-700 nm Infrarotstrahlen (IR) 700-800.000 nm UV-Strahlen werden wiederum in drei Banden unterteilt:

  • UV-A (315-400 nm) mit bräunenden Eigenschaften;
  • UV-B (280-315 nm) con proprietà terapeutiche e di sintesi della vitamina "D";
  • UV-C (100-280 nm) mit keimtötenden Eigenschaften.

UV-C (100-280 nm) hat eine starke keimtötende Wirkung und ist bei einer Wellenlänge von 265 nm am wirksamsten. Die keimtötende Wirkung der UV-C-Strahlung erstreckt sich auch auf Bakterien, Viren, Sporen, Pilze, Schimmelpilze und Milben; sie ist hauptsächlich auf die zerstörerische Wirkung der UV-C-Strahlung auf ihre DNA zurückzuführen; die UV-C-Strahlen schädigen nämlich ihren Fortpflanzungsapparat und verhindern ihre Vermehrung.

Bakterien, Viren, Sporen, Pilze, Schimmelpilze und Milben sind alle empfindlich gegenüber UV-C und können daher durch UV-C beseitigt werden. Mikroben können keine Resistenz gegen UV-C-Strahlung erwerben, wie es bei der Verwendung von chemischen Desinfektionsmitteln und Antibiotika der Fall ist. UV-Strahlung ist umweltfreundlich. Eine Umweltverschmutzung ist bei der Verwendung normaler Desinfektionsmittel unvermeidlich. Außerdem besteht die Gefahr, dass durch das direkte Einatmen der Dämpfe oder das Verschlucken von Lebensmitteln, die durch den Kontakt mit den chemischen Desinfektionsmitteln verunreinigt wurden, schwerwiegende Schäden entstehen können. In den Bereichen, in denen auf chemische Desinfektionsmittel nicht verzichtet werden kann (Lebensmittelindustrie, Pharmazeutik, Gesundheitswesen usw.), ermöglicht der Einsatz ultravioletter Strahlen bei der Desinfektion eine Verringerung der Desinfektionsmittelmenge mit erheblichen Kosteneinsparungen und größerer Rücksicht auf die Umwelt, wobei der Desinfektionsgrad beibehalten und fast immer verbessert wird. UV-C-Geräte können in Räumen und Maschinen installiert werden und so programmiert werden, dass sie Tag und Nacht den gleichen Desinfektionsgrad aufrechterhalten und somit ideale hygienische Bedingungen ohne Schwankungen gewährleisten. Im Gegensatz dazu entfalten chemische Desinfektionsmittel ihre volle Wirkung erst bei ihrer Anwendung. Bei der Verwendung von mit LIGHT PROGRESS ausgestatteten Geräten sind die Betriebskosten gering; man kann sagen, dass ein 'LIGHT PROGRESS' UV-C-System außer dem normalen Lampenwechsel keine Wartung erfordert. Das Preis-/Leistungs-Verhältnis ist hervorragend, die Geräte sind leistungsstark und haben eine lange Lebensdauer. Deshalb ist die Keimabtötung durch UV-C im Vergleich zu anderen Systemen (oder im Zusammenspiel mit diesen) kostengünstig und hochwirksam.

I raggi UV-C funzionano davvero, se applicati correttamente e con le dovute precauzioni. La differenza fra un progetto di qualità e una applicazione senza risultati è data dalla profonda conoscenza dell'argomento e dall'esperienza acquisita nel tempo. Dal 1987 Light Progress realizza progetti di successo in tutto il mondo e ha acquisito una clientela costituita da Società importanti in tutti i settori che necessitano di condizioni igieniche verificate per generare prodotti e servizi di qualità.