Soluzioni UV-C Light Progress

Professional Solutions for
UV-C disinfection

Light Progress transforms UV-C technology into a flexible tool able to ensure disinfection against all microorganisms, without using chemicals and with excellent value for money.


Continuous research to constantly offer the best UV-C technology

Thanks to our vocation oriented to research and to the design of new solutions to improve the quality of life for over thirty years, we have been creating efficient and functional products, whose effectiveness is always scientifically demonstrable.

TECHNOLOGY Light Progress
Onda Blu
Un’unica tecnologia per risolvere i problemi di disinfezione Light Progress

A unique technology to resolve disinfection problems

UV-C technology is effective in eliminating viruses and bacteria in the air and water, and to sanitise environments, especially in the healthcare and food industries, and more besides. We have transformed Ultraviolet Germicidal Technology into a real and practical solution.


Improvement, everywhere

A fundamental characteristic of UV technology is that it has almost no application limits, if used correctly. Whatever the sector of reference, UV-C disinfection makes the environment safer, considerably reducing the growth and distribution of viruses, pathogens, spores and molds.

SECTORS Light Progress

We love a good challenge and are open to custom projects

We adore finding solutions. This is why we’re ready and willing to design custom systems and adapt them to different contexts, ensuring efficacy, simplicity of use, and safety. We will guide you in selecting the right project, proposing the solution most suited to your needs.

ABOUT US Light Progress

A successful experience that began 35 years ago

Light Progress has studied, developed, designed, and internally produced UV-C Light systems since 1987.

The aim has forever been the same: to solve the problem of microbial contamination in environments without the use of chemicals, improving the quality of life at home and at work.

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Become a partner.

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