UV Facts
CARNE DRY AGED: Il Nuovo Standard Europeo
18.12.20248 minutes read, PDF version available: DOWNLOAD PDF UV-C IN FOOD SAFETY EU REGULATION 2024/1141. The adoption of UV technology aligns seamlessly with the objectives of EU Regulation 2024/1141,...
LesenCompany References: A Guarantee of Innovation and Reliability
24.10.2024Discover how Light Progress has become the trusted partner in UV-C disinfection technology: a blend of innovation, quality, and precision that speaks for itself. Each reference is a testament to our success...
LesenEnsuring efficacy of the UVC solution: replacing UVC lamps
01.10.2024Each UV-C disinfection application consists of one or more high-output ultraviolet lamps, as well as a "system" to ensure correct installation in each specific application. The UVC system...
LesenUVGI technology at a glance_Part_II
23.08.2024How exactly do UV-C lamps work? What are their advantages and considerations for safe use? In this article we will look in more detail at some key aspects that are crucial to the effectiveness and durability...
LesenDie UVGI-Technologie auf einen Blick
22.08.2024Ultra Violet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) Ultraviolet is that part of electromagnetic radiation bounded by the lower wavelength extreme of the visible spectrum and the upper end of the X-ray radiation...
19.06.20248 minutes read, PDF version available: DOWNLOAD PDF HARNESSING UV-C AND HPP FOR JUICES SUPERIOR FRESHNESS AND SAFETY. In recent years, consumer demand for fresh-tasting, nutritionally rich beverages...
LesenIndoor Farming - Focus Cannabis
08.04.20245 minutes read, PDF version available: DOWNLOAD PDF UV-C FOR IDEAL GROWTH OPTIMIZING HORTICULTURAL ENVIRONMENTS WITH LIGHT PROGRESS. The global market for vertical farming...
16.02.2024latest update: 02/02/2024 In Restaurants, Großküchen, Gemeinschaftsküchen, Einkaufszentren, Bürogebäuden, Hotels und Restaurants ist es wichtig, die Abluftkanäle...
LesenOptimizing Air Quality and HVAC disinfection on Offshore Vessels and Platforms
19.12.20235 minutes read, PDF version available: DOWNLOAD PDF PROJECT OVERVIEW In the challenging operational landscape of gas oil platforms, maintaining optimal air quality within the ductwork...
LesenFOOD PROCESSING: UV-C Disinfection Solution for Albanian Meat Factories
08.11.2023(Reading time 2 minutes. Download full article: DOWNLOAD PDF) Client Background: EHW and FIX, two prominent meat processing companies in Albania, faced significant challenges in maintaining...
LesenINDOOR AIR QUALITY: Commissioning, Installation and Testing of UV-FLOW systems at Lake Hills Church (TX-USA)
20.10.2023(2 minutes read. Download complete article: DOWNLOAD PDF) At a glance Upper Air disinfection: the smart, safe, energy-efficient way to keep IAQ at the highest level. UV-FLOW is the ultimate...
LesenSCHULEN und GEMEINSAME RÄUME: Das ABC der IAQ. Warum Luftqualität in Schulen wichtig ist.
22.09.2023(2 minutes read. Download complete article: DOWNLOAD PDF) Die Vorteile der Innenraumluftqualität für Schüler, Lehrer und Schulhaushalte Schulen sind Umgebungen, in denen Schüler...
LesenINDOOR AIR QUALITY: Study on Commissioning of Upper-Air GUV according to ASHRAE GPC 37 Guideline
15.09.2023Introduction: On March 2023 we successfully applied to be part of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) study on Upper Air GIUV for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The Study is about...
12.09.2023In the world of agriculture and viticulture, ensuring the safety and quality of grapes and the subsequent wines they yield is of paramount importance. To this end, technological advancements are constantly...
LesenFOOD PROCESSING: meat production and preservation
12.09.2023The meat production, processing, and preservation industry play a crucial role in the global food supply chain. Laboratories and factories involved in meat processing operate under strict environmental...
LesenFOOD PROCESSING: filling and bottling
12.09.2023THE CRUCIAL ROLE OF UVC TECHNOLOGY IN FILLING AND BOTTLING INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING In the world of modern manufacturing, particularly in the food and beverage industry, ensuring product safety and...
LesenFOOD PRODUCTION: bakery products
12.09.2023In the world of food production, where product quality and safety are paramount, UVC technology is emerging as a key solution for maintaining high standards of hygiene. In particular, in laboratories and...
LesenLARGE ENVIRONMENTS: Vatican Museums, UVC disinfection of the equipment offered to visitors
24.08.2023The Vatican Museums in Rome, Italy, were attracting over 5 million visitors in 2022, making them one of the most visited museum complexes in the world. The Vatican Museums offer audioguides...
LesenHORECA: Case Study Euroveacity - Bratislava (Slovakia)
26.06.2023We are proudly part of the Eurovea City of Future project in Bratislava! Eurovea will become the ideal place for living and relaxing in the center of Bratislava. The central feature will be Slovakia’s...
LesenFOOD PROCESSING: loaf bread
23.01.2023Bread and Bakery products. Bread is the most important food in the western world. Each EU citizen consumes an average of 70 kg of bread every year (1). Bread, like other baked foods, is notoriously...
LesenAIR PURIFIERS: we guarantee healthy and clean Air since more than 30 years
15.11.2022Air disinfection in community structures (schools, hospitals, offices) is very important, this avoids the diffusion of viruses and microbes that are often the cause of more or less serious infections. The...
LesenUV-C treatment for better control of food quality
08.11.2022A well-known quote stated "You're what you eat", a thought that is increasingly relevant and common in this historical period in which consumers are increasingly attentive to the choice of...
LesenWhy do you treat water with UV-C rays?
31.10.2022The drinking water treatments are designed to make the water comply with the requirements for drinking water, improving the aspects: organoleptic (color, smell, taste), chemical (eg by removing iron and...
LesenHealthcare-related infections: an avoidable risk
18.10.2022HAIs (Healthcare Associated Infections) are, by definition, diseases which affect patients inside hospitals and are not present or incubating at the time of admission. HAIs could appear after discharge...
LesenHVAC: Sick Building Syndrome (S.B.S.)
11.10.2022What is the SYNDROME OF Sick Building (SBS)? Let's immediately clarify our ideas, with the terminology "sick" we don't mean the building, but the people who reside there. The case...
LesenUV-C und der medizinische Sektor: Verringerung des Risikos von Covid-19-Infektionen in Zahnarztpraxen
05.05.2022Die aktuelle globale Krise, die durch die Ausbreitung des SARS-CoV-2-Coronavirus ausgelöst wurde, hat in den meisten Ländern alle zahnärztlichen Aktivitäten außerhalb des Notfallsektors...
LesenCOVID-19:Wie light progress von UVGI-desinfektionslösungen in dieser zeit der krise seinen beitrag leistet.
19.03.2020In dieser Zeit der grossen weltweiten Krise aufgrund der Arbeitung von COVID-19 erhalten wir by Light Progress eine große Anzahl von Anfragen aus der ganzen Welt. Es ist nicht leicht für...
04.02.2020Nachdem das neue Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) im Dezember 2019 in Wuhan City identifiziert wurde, hat sich nun in vielen Ländern der Welt Panik breit gemacht. Es ist unschwer zu erkennen, dass Menschen,...